The Virgin Chronicles

The Virgin Chronicles

And Song Book

Louis Marshall Gould , René Märtin

Romaner & noveller


392 sidor

ISBN-13: 9789174633559

Förlag: Books on Demand

Utgivningsdatum: 21.11.2011

Språk: Engelska

254,00 kr

inkl. moms / exkl. frakt


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Louis Marshall Gould takes us on a colourful and magical odyssey through Poetry, Prose & Song – and Photographs. With vivid illustrations by René Märtin.

Louis Marshall Gould tar med oss på en färgstark och magisk odyssé genom Poesi, Prosa, Sång & Fotografier. Boken innehåller levande illustrationer av konstnären René Märtin.
Louis Marshall Gould

Louis Marshall Gould

Louis Marshall Gould was born between the White House and Georgetown in Washington, D.C. He lived and studied in the D.C. Metropolitan area before moving to Venice Beach in Los Angeles where he was a graduate student at UCLA. Living on both coasts has coloured his experience and writing – not to mention his many years in Sweden – which he now calls home. Lou is an authentic American-Swedish poet and lyricist. To much of his readership he is also known as ’the apache kid’. Beat and classic romantic influences combine to form a unique blend of expression that has been described as great jazz improvisation. Having worked as a consultant, coach and college instructor for over 20 years in the communications arena in Sweden, he currently resides in Solna, a first line township of greater Stockholm, just up the hill from Råsundas Gamla Filmstaden, Sweden’s classic movie era studio. From his balcony he enjoys a truly panoramic view.

René Märtin

René Märtin

René Märtin lives and works in the city of peace, Osnabrück. His essays, articles, travelogues and poetry have been published in newspapers, magazines and books in Ireland, Finland, Sweden and Germany. His poetry book »Nästa år, nästa år« has been published in Helsinki. René Märtin is the publisher of Björn G A Donobauer's »Hjärteblod på rymmen« (Helsinki) and Louis Marshall Gould's »The Virgin Chronicles« (Stockholm).

René Märtin bor och verkar i hjärtat av fredsstaden Osnabrück. Hans essäer, uppsatser, reserapporter och dikter har publicerats i tidningar, tidskrifter och böcker i Irland, Finland, Sverige och Tyskland. Han har utkommit med den diktboken »Nästa år, nästa år« i Helsingfors. René Märtin är utgivare av Björn G A Donobauers »Hjärteblod på rymmen« (Helsingfors) och Louis Marshall Goulds »The Virgin Chronicles« (Stockholm).

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