Stories for Life

Stories for Life

Roland Björkestedt

Trend, hälsa & träning


224 sidor

ISBN-13: 9789151973616

Förlag: Sendero

Utgivningsdatum: 11.03.2024

Språk: Svenska

Nyckelord: Health, nutrition, Water, Human rights, development

170,00 kr

inkl. moms / exkl. frakt


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This book is intended for use as a tool in adult education in
pastoral environments in East Africa. The stories touch on
issues like human rights, health, nutrition, cultivation, and
water. A special focus is on the right of all children to go to school.

The stories are designed to be used in small groups based on a participatory approach. The texts are open-ended but accompanied by some questions intended to encourage discussions through which the participants, together with the facilitator, will discover solutions to certain problems or get new ideas that can affect their daily lives.

The second part of the book is a source section providing
special information on all the topics touched on in the

There is also a chapter on customs, religious beliefs, and cultural features appearing in the stories.

The facilitator's manual at the end of the book gives some advice on how to best use the material.

The material has been been used and assessed in workshops with many participants from Nyangatom, Toposa anad Turkana communities.

Roland Björkestedt

Roland Björkestedt

Roland Björkestedt är lärare och har arbetat under ett antal år i flera länder i Afrika med olika typer av undervisningsprojekt. Utöver lärarutbildning har han en Fil-kand. och ene Teol. Kand. examen.

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