It happens something in the small village, which for many years had a Lismare thats control and sets. The question is only who the Lismare is, and why he captivates the villagers...Pentagram, essence and evil urgency. What sholud happen in the small village when Lismaren shows his right self, and who is it.
The Author Jesper Persson writes his autobiography about the time in prison as internationally wanted. He has written a total of four books on his criminal life, and what it meant to his family.
The writer Jesper Persson today writes detectives, and published asin first, Lismaren 2019.
His other books:
The war against society 2019 (In Sweden: Från Svensson till kriminell och vägen tillbaka 2008)
Operation state mistake part 1, 2012 Operation state mistake part 2 2013
In the shadow of society 2019 (In Sweden: I skuggan av samhället 2016)
Lismaren Revenge 2019 (In Sweden: Lismaren Hämnd 2019)
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