I. Have. No. Words. Left.

I. Have. No. Words. Left.

Anna Bergfors

Historia & biografier


40 sidor

ISBN-13: 9789180273817

Förlag: Books on Demand

Utgivningsdatum: 11.11.2021

Språk: Engelska

Nyckelord: relative, co-dependent, shame and guilt, addiction, drugs

150,00 kr

inkl. moms / exkl. frakt


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I have no words left with so much to say. Words left unsaid. Words left unheard. Words only thought. Words only felt.
I. Have. No. Words. Left.
I’m out of words.
But I can write those words.
I’m planning for your funeral. I’ve done it for a while now. There’s a comfort in that. A release for my sorrow.
This prose collection was born from my need of comfort.
My need to put my feelings about my adult son’s addiction into words.
The words comfort me, and I hope my words will give you comfort as well.
With these words, I want you as a family member or friend to know that you’re not alone and there is no right or wrong in how we feel and what we feel.
Your friend or family member’s addiction is not about you. It affects you too, and as family members or friends, we need to find a way to approach this to live a decent life, to find ways to cope that work for us.
We will be using different coping mechanisms, but You have the right to live your life the way you want to, you have the right to be the lead role in your life.
This prose collection will not help my son to get clean from his addiction, but it will help me breathe.
This prose collection will not help my son to get clean from his addiction, but it will help me to breathe.
I. Have. No. Words. Left. is the writer Anna Bergfors’ debut book.
Anna is born 1969 and lives in Eskilstuna.
Anna Bergfors

Anna Bergfors

Anna Bergfors (1969) är född, uppvuxen och bosatt i Eskilstuna.
”Jag. Har. Inga. Ord. Kvar” är hennes debutbok.
Anna är verksam som skribent och föreläsare.
Webb: annabergfors.se

Anna Bergfors is born 1969 and lives in Eskilstuna, Sweden.
"I. Have. No. Words. Left" is the writer Anna Bergfors’ debut book.
Anna is a author and a professional speaker.
Web: annabergfors.se

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