Growing through rough times is painful, it's difficult, and most often it's not a linear journey. Healing is like growing pains; even though the route hurts at times, it's worth it in the end.
This poetry collection is split into three parts; Sprout, Grow, and Bloom. Like the life of a plant we heal trauma through these stages. In the beginning it's challenging, things look darker before we pierce through the dirt. Then follows a rough road of progress and setbacks, victories and failure. A long game of acceptance and endurance. In the end, when the growing pains finally are over, we can bloom and thrive like we were always meant to do.
Growing Pains is about healing from the darkness in life and beginning to see the light, growing through the pain, and to notice the small things that make everything worth it. Makes the growing pains worth it.
Sara Arneberg is a twenty-year-old poet and writer, born and raised in the south of Sweden. She began writing short stories as early as elementary school and continued throughout middle school. However it was not until the later years of high school that she found a passion in writing poetry.
Struggling with her mental health was what began the poetry-writing for Sara. She turned to writing as a way to cope with her rough emotions and to let the feelings out instead of keeping them hidden inside. Even though she did not realise it back then, her poems would soon become popular amongst her friends and family.
In the fall of 2022 Sara debuted with her poetry collection "a bouquet of poems". A book containing the complete collection of poems written during her junior and senior years of high school. After a successful year, she's now releasing her second book "Growing Pains". With titles such as "Crumbs of love", "I deserve better", and " Magic in the mundane" this collection perfectly captures the journey of healing through rough times. Dealing with the pain, fighting the darkness, and growing in the meantime.
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