When it comes to the discourse of military intervention, the market is saturated with all sorts of books of war. Such books, for the most part, tend to be narrative accounts of heroic militarism which often do not address the aspect of [societal] rehabilitation. Scores of these books do not highlight the relevance of “interactive socialization” as regards politically embattled nations that harbour [sociologically] shattered societies. So, there is a gap in the market when it comes to the rehabilitation of battle-scarred societies with psychologically distressed masses. Garrison Metropolis explores the adaptive rehabilitation of this embattled universe through a regenerative doctrine of military intervention called “Pure militarism”.
Metuge Ekane is a political science researcher who is keenly passionate about the [comprehensive] remediation of politically embattled and sociologically shattered societies. He is also the author of Garrulous Ego Trip Gang.
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